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Data-Sharing and Usage Agreement
This agreement establishes the terms and conditions under which the customer (YOU) can acquire and use data from the website.
1. YOU, the data recipient will not release any data and information that is stored inside the member area, nor will the recipient present the results of my work in any manner that would give third parties access to the content.
2. YOU, the data recipient will not release any photo or video, nor will the recipient present any photos and videos that are stored inside the member area in any manner that would give third parties access to the photos and videos.
3. YOU, the data recipient will not release data to a third party without prior approval from the data provider.
4. YOU, the data recipient will not share, publish, or otherwise release any findings or conclusions derived from your membership data obtained from the data provider without prior approval from the data provider.
5. Any third party granted access to data, as permitted under condition #3 & #4, above, shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement. Acceptance of these terms must be provided in writing by the third party before data will be released.